The Shiloh Ranch Wood Project

What is the Wood Project?

The firewood project started with a vision to provide wood for families in need.
1) Volunteers from the Church gather, cut and stack wood.
2) Anyone from the community can submit a request to receive wood. 
3) Volunteers from the church deliver wood as requested.  

Get Involved

  1. To sustain the project, it is important to have a source of wood.  Please consider being involved by donating wood.  We are able to provide a tax receipt and we will come get it!
  2. Consider joining us on a wood cutting project day!  

Shiloh Ranch Wood Policy

Proverbs 11:25
"Generous persons will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed." 

It is our belief that knowing that you've been able to help someone is its own reward. As this verse notes, being generous and openhearted means God will also see to it that you are rewarded. 
At Shiloh Ranch, our goal is to provide a fellowship opportunity for Christians that also meets a need of people during the winter. The SR firewood ministry sources wood, cuts, splits and stacks wood in the spring for delivery during the fall and winter. The end result is to have a Christian deliver a pick-up load of firewood for people who are struggling to stay warm during the fall and winter months, providing a positive example of Gods love, and offering an opportunity to introduce someone to Gods word. We seek to offer Christians a way to give to others, generously, and with an open heart. 
To ensure we have enough wood to provide for people in great need, Shiloh is implementing a Wood Policy 
  • Persons in need can request a wood delivery by filling out our wood request form either electronically or on paper. 
  • Wood delivery requests will normally be offered to the congregation on Sundays
  • Congregants will coordinate delivery time with the requestor and get the lock combo with their delivery sheet 
  • We will deliver the firewood. We no longer offer “pick-up” options.
  • The wood pile will be locked and the code will be given to volunteers and staff prior to delivery. 
  • Each load will be a pick-up bed full (about ⅓ of a cord). 
  • Wood may be requested multiple times, but there may be times when others take precedence if you have received wood in the past. Priority may be given to some individuals.